Determination of the bioavailability
from renal excretion data

The fraction of the bioavailable dose excreted unchanged in urine is constant for the same drug in the same patient.


F Dose





Higher drug bioavailability results in larger amount of the drug reaching the systemic circulation.

The cumulative amount of the drug excreted in urine is proportional to the drug bioavailability after administration of different dosage forms of the same drug. This is because a constant fraction of the bioavailable dose is excreted in urine, for a particular drug in a particular patient.

Absolute Bioavailability

The absolute bioavailability is determined from the cumulative amount of the drug excreted in urine after iv and oral administration:

F =

A e∞ oral

A e∞ iv

Relative bioavailability

The relative bioavailability is determined from the cumulative amount of the drug excreted in urine after administration of the formulation under investigation (test) and a reference standard formulation.

F =

A e∞ test

A e∞ standard
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