Example: After an iv administration of 1000 mg cefazoline urine samples were collected and the following data were obtained.

Time (hr) R.Exc Rate (mg/hr) Time (hr) Plasma conc. (mg/ml)
0-1 332 0.5 85.0
1-3 117 2.0 48.0
3-5 70.0 4.0 19.2
5-8 22.5 6.5 6.0
8-12 4.5 10.0 1.2

Calculate renal clearance of cefazoline.

The renal clearance can be calculated from the renal excretion rate and the plasma concentration at the middle point of the urine collection interval:


△t Cpt-mid
= Renal clearance
Time interval (hr) Renal Exc. rate (mg/hr) Plasma Conc (mg/ml) Renal clearance (L/hr)
0-1 332 85.0 3.9
1-3 171 48.0 3.56
3-5 70.0 19.2 3.64
5-8 22.5 6.0 3.75
8-12 4.5 1.2 3.75

The renal clearance can be calculated from the average of the renal clearance estimates calculated for all urine collections.

Also, a plot of the renal excretion rate versus the plasma concentration at the middle point of the urine collection interval (on a linear scale) is a straight line with a slope equals to the renal clearance.

Slope = Rnal Clearance

The renal clearance is determined from the slope of the line.

Renal Clearance = 3.8 L/hr

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