Creatinine Renal Clearance as
a Measure of Renal Function

Creatinine is eliminated completely by the kidney. It is filtered in the glomeruli and does not undergo secretion or reabsorption in the renal tubules to any significant extent. So, creatinine renal clearance is a measure of the glomerular filtration rate.

Determination of Creatinine Clearance in Patients

1- Collect all the urine excreted by the patient over a period of 12 to 24 hr.

2- Obtain a plasma sample and determine creatinine plasma concentration.

3- Determine the volume of urine and creatinine concentration in the urine.

4- Calculate the amount of creatinine excreted (amount = volume x conc ).

5- Calculate the renal excretion rate.

Excretion rate =

Amount excreted

Time interval

6- Calculate the creatinine clearance.

CLcreatinine =

Creatinine renal exc.rate

Plasma creatinine conc.

The normal value for creatinine clearance in adults is 120 ml/min.
The decrease in kidney function results in a proportional decrease in the creatinine clearance.

The decrease in kidney function also decreases the rate of creatinine excretion resulting in an elevated creatinine plasma concentration.

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