Special considerations in dosage adjustment
in patients with kidney failure

Dosage adjustment in patients with kidney dysfunction is easier than dosage adjustment in diseases of other eliminating organs. This is because:

a- The existence of diagnostic test like the creatinine clearance that is highly correlated with the kidney function.

b- The change in kidney function is highly correlated with the decrease in the renal clearance of drugs.

The previous discussion assumes that renal dysfunction does not affect the absorption, distribution and nonrenal elimination of drugs which may not be true for all drugs.

- The bioavailability of propranolol and propoxyphen is higher in patients with kidney failure.

- The change in kidney function can decrease the plasma protein binding of drugs such as carbamazepine and diazepam leading to higher free (unbound) fraction of the drug.

- The change in kidney function can affect the Vd of drugs. Patients with kidney failure have smaller digoxin Vd and larger phenytoin Vd.

- The rate of phenytoin metabolism is faster in patients with kidney failure while the rate of captopril metabolism is slower in patients with renal failure.

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