A simple model for Metabolite Kinetics

The parent drug is given as an iv bolus dose:

All the drug is in the systemic circulation

Parent Drug


No metabolite is in the systemic circulation



No metabolite is eliminated

Eliminated Metabolite


1- The drug is completely metabolized to one metabolite

2- Drug elimination follows first-order kinetics

3- The metabolite cannot be converted back to the parent drug

4- The metabolite elimination follows first-order kinetics

The amount of the parent drug in the systemic circulation decreases at a rate dependent on the drug elimination rate constant (k). (k = CLT/Vd)

The amount of the metabolite in the body increases initially then decreases at a rate dependent on the formation rate and the elimination rate of the metabolite.

The eliminated metabolite increases until all the formed metabolite is excreted from the body.

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