The CLT represents the overall clearance of the drug from the body. Organ clearance represents the clearance of the drug by a specific organ. For example:

The renal clearance can be defined as the volume of plasma or blood completely cleared from the drug per unit time by the kidney.

The CLT is the sum of the clearances of all eliminating organs.

CLT = renal clearance + hepatic clearance + lung clearance +.....

The CLT has units of volume/time (e.g. L/hr, ml/min)

The CLT can also be expressed in units of volume/time/weight (e.g. ml/min/kg)

The CLT of a drug in a particular patient is constant as long as the drug elimination process follows first-order kinetics.

The CLT of a drug can change due to the change in the function of the eliminating organ of that drug.
The CLT can be expressed as:


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