Example: After a single iv bolus dose of the antiarrhythmic drug bretylium, the following concentrations were obtained:

0.2 120 4.0 18
0.5 84 6.0 15
1.0 53 8.0 12.5
2.0 29 12.0 8.8

Using the method of residuals determine the equation that describes the plasma conc-time profile at any time.

Plot the concentration versus time on a semilog scale.

slope = -β/2.303

βt 1/2

Identify the best line that represents the drug elimination process

The y-intercept is equal to B. The hybrid elimination rate constant (β) and β-half life can be determined from the line.

slope = -β/2.303

βt 1/2

    • Time
    • Residuals
    • 0.2
    • (120 - 25)= 95
    • 0.5
    • (84 - 24)= 60
    • 1.0
    • (53 - 23)= 30
slope = -α/2.303
α t 1/2

Calculate the residuals during the distribution phase.

Plot the residuals versus time, and draw the best line that goes through the points.

The y-intercept is equal to A. The hybrid distribution rate constant α and a-half life can be determined from the line.

Graphically :

B = 25 ug/L     β = 0.087 hr-1

A = 120 ug/L     α = 1.38 hr-1

The equation that describe the plasma concentration at any time is:

Cp (ug/L) = 120 e -1.38 t + 25 e -0.087 t