Kinetics of the pharmacological response
- Module
22- Kinetics of the pharmacological response - Introduction to pharmacokinetics
- IV administration
- Oral administration
- Steady state concept
- Drug elimination
- Drug pharmacokinetics in renal dysfunction
- Multiple compartment pharmacokinetics
- Nonlinear pharmacokinetics
- Intermittent IV infusions
- Physiological approach to the clearance concept
- Kinetics of the pharmacological effects
- Therapeutic drug monitoring
- Objective
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Pharmacodynamic models
- - The linear model
- - The log-linear model
- - The Emax model
- - The sigmoid Emax model
- The pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic link
- PK/PD modeling using the effect compartment
- Clinical significance of PK/PD modeling
- Summary
- Plot
- Questions